November 1st in 2014. Created a grand Thanks Givin' Dinner for our close friends including seasonal vegetables and fruits.
We started with some pumpkin-cocktails as appetizer, a pumpkin-soup with special topping of sweet chestnuts, creme fresh, chili, red pepper and home-crisped-up bread. Then – of course, a stuffed bird – which fitted perfectly to the millimeter into the oven – shouldn't have been any greater – with colorful regional-grown vegetable garnish, gravy and fresh salad. For dessert: a New Zealand carrot-cake with a topping of thin apple-slices, buttercream cheese and pistachios. yummy!
Thank you all for being our guests!
A colorful journey in January 2015 – full of adventures, crazy nice people, super good food and reggae twenty four seven. See some impressions of the Caribbean up-country.
Took some moods of the english pub in sheerness / kent. Something between light old vintage decoration and heavy pool-furniture.
January 2014
Sunny side up –
shadow side down.
January 2016. One day after Anninas birthday went for hiking to Deermountain near Tegernsee. This tour was a perfect choice. I am gratefull for such an awesome wandering on a fresh and sunny day. Completed by a pea-soup on the top of the mountain and Greek food in the evening in Munich. Very sure that night everybody slept like a bear in wintertime. – happy birthday again, liebe Annina!
See tour on
My cousin Ale, David and me grabbed a pot of homemade stuffed cabbage leaves from my aunty and drove up the mountains to her cabin in the woods. Many great memories of our common childhood stick to this place. Lots of years have passed, since I've been there. Nevertheless, I marched driven the steep path to this property. It looks totally different now, and you can feel that somebody is missing there. Her beloved father... but this is another story...
It's eye opening how much work you have to invest in such a place, to make it be, and keep it alive. Otherwise, everything is falling apart and find it's way back to its beginnings. Blending in the mountain and the surrounding nature.
After enjoying our meal, the fresh air and said hello to some cows, we took our time in the darkness, watching the very close and great number of high sparkling stars.
Oktober '14 – I have set myself in the head, to go mushroom hunting!
Well, we had fresh air, very steep hanging, mostly no paths and of course: no mushrooms.
Still a great autumn day, catching the last sunbeams with a picknick between high trees in the middle of nowhere in austria.
New Years Eve 2015 in North Italy. Having a cozy warm room in Trentino. Starting our wandering right after breakfast – up the sunny hills in the middle of frozen vineyards.
The lazy chillin' part of the Jamaica journey January 2015. Enjoying hot summers far away from home.
Good lookin', is
Great Weekend in March 2016. Waking up in the early dawn, went for a walk with cute border-collie "fanny", fetching some brown-bag lunch from the weekly market and surprised David in bed with fresh coffee from the Italian café nearby.
Only one hour later we arrived in Munich, where our friends jumped into the car and the five of us drove direction: nature.
After having a peaceful walk through the fresh but sunny woods - up the Rohnberg - we took a rest, ate some hot soup and sit for a while in the sun on beach chairs.
Surprisingly Annina and Tobi decided to take the invitation to come to our hometown, where we made delicious vegetable-ham-pizza and played board games until late o'clock. The next day after breakfast, some hours of bouldering in the "bloc hütte" and hot drinks on the sunny deck completed our sporty weekend.
See tour on
The mountain has called – and we went.
This winter '16/'17 feels so extraordinary long. The summer is far, far away and everyone I know is permanently checking the weather prognosis.
For this weekend in the middle of February the prognosis was: sunny day 12°C. Well... almost. NOT. When we got up, we had minus four... and did not really get warmer. But until we got to the faraway parking lot at the bottom of the mountain, the sun came out and we enjoyed a sunny wood and sunny fields up the mountain. The Zwieselberg is a simple wandering with only some steep ascents and the chance to make a stop at an inn on the way down. If you walk it up at wintertime, you must wear sturdy shoes with genuine bite. At the latest on the way down, when the wet parts of the ground are frozen and you walk through the misty woods, you'll see that its quiet slippery.