To establish, maintain or raise the quality of your project, surely you will choose to proceed structured and according to plan rather than to try out and follow different approaches, which can cause serious damage to your authenticity. In order to fulfill this standard, every task, no matter how small, requires the foundation of a concept. It is a clear advantage to strive for a long-term partnership. So all tasks are solved smoothly and all on their own, without great back and forth, time-consuming meetings and coordination, knowing what to expect from each other.
Price quotes are regularly calculated at hourly or daily rates, based on customer requirements and experience. Long-term partnerships allow more freedom in handling project-related jobs. The resultant elimination of bureaucratic paperwork ensures a fluidly procedure, satisfying results, progress and thereby time and cost efficiency.
The theoretical as well as the practical part of the creative process requires depth that can only be achieved by getting 100% involved with a subject. The state of the "flow" enables me to get there. This requires solitude, avoiding distraction and handling only one thing at a time.
For anything beyond my core competencies or larger volume, I am more than pleased with my outstanding team of professionals, freelancers, developers and producers. As a highly organized team, we can act like a full-service agency and retain all the freedoms that independence grants us.
If tasks require enormous delegation effort and shift my area of responsibility, I assign the task of the project manager within my team or am always happy to make recommendations for more suitable external providers from my work environment, so my focus can remain on art direction.
Only a free spirit can reach its full potential.
Time pressure, strict specifications and tight manuals are the perfect recipe for mediocrity. Creating worlds and moving within one's own universe of stylistic elements catapults each brand out of the uniform mash.
Every brand started out small. For each budget, the appropriate marketing strategies can be tailored and built progressively and refinanced one project after another. True size and positioning in the market does not happen overnight. Even with the largest advertising budget, a relationship of trust must first be established, which is why it is of unspeakable value to always maintain authenticity instead of relying on short-term profits.
One of the most wonderful things about the graphic designer's job is to meet very diverse and unique people who are full of ideas, drive, passion and rich on all sorts of haunting motivations. Unthinkable things can be achieved with united forces and new paths can be taken. If you are creative and able to create with friends, you never get up for "work". Celebrating successes, dealing with defeats and pushing each other forward keeps the machine running. Daily progress leads to exponential success, makes healthy and feeds the spirits of being. With every small decision we make, we shape our character, our purpose in life and the mission we chose to act in agreement with or against our environment and the planet we call our home.
Over ten years of graphic design have sharpened my skills, values and preferences like a rock in the strong stream of a glacial river bed. More than ever I attach value to a uniform appearance of every corporate identity. My varied career includes all the contemporary challenges of a graphic designer in print and web. Numerous campaigns for global corporations to smallest jobs for local projects, I can now say with absolute certainty which projects I am committed to and which I consciously reject.
It still feels like the journey has just begun and the early morning awakening results from my excitement about what's yet to come. I'm so very tense about all future adventures and with all that technical progress I can't even imagine what will be in the next ten years. This makes it essential to practise a healthy working behavior in order to see all the growing flowers along the roads.
The hunger for fantastic projects makes it possible to create or develop an unique style. Therefore a big "YES" to everything that is special, extraordinary and visionary. We live in a world of thousands and thousands of possibilities every single day. If we accept everything that swims towards us, then we let ourselves drift. Only dead fish go with the flow. Sometimes it takes bravery and strength to say "no" to everything that doesn't lead us forward or that leads us off the chosen path, especially if someone has already gotten into our heart. The meaning of life is having a meaningful life. Humans are designed to move forward. Every action should be aimed at this. And as long as you treat everyone with respect, a friendly "no" is always a better choice than a teeth grinding "yes, okay". Every „yes“ you speak is a „no!“ to plenty of other possibilities.
In order to achieve the best results, working together on a friendship level is my most favorite. Getting to know each other, spending time together, it quickly becomes clear that behind every brand there is a solid, complex individual human being. Superficial corporate communication reaches the intended target group only accidentally. Unsuccessful phases then often lead to shortcuts which worsen the vicious circle. With patience, endurance and in constant consultation, the defined goals can be achieved at the most highly level. And I can't deny that some bright thoughts didn't come from the one or other glass of shared wine in the evening sun.
Never copy! Re-invent, get inspired and apply coin ideas or layouts to the project. Sure it is tempting to adopt a fascinating design. But my principle is always to stay true! And with very little patience, every project floats and takes on real momentum, so I partially forget the sources of inspiration, as my head has already generated 1.000 other ideas. THIS is the wonderful creative process I strive for every single day.
There are more things I am not really fine with, but I like focusing on the bright side of my business. Though it is important for me to mention, that I do not like providing open files for further processing. Everything that results from my thought factory is normally a product of my evolution and reflects my experiences. In this sense, it's somehow very personal. Since my projects are affairs of the heart, it honestly hurts when I see someone mutilate what I have worked out. This may sound very extreme, but I'm expressing my sensations and am very sure that every passionate designer feels the same way.
The creation of several equal concepts or designs on the same topic is one in a million. The reality of agency life differs significantly: the expectations of more than one initial approach leads necessarily to a ranking. Dedicating on delivering only good work usually leads to great confusion on decision day, as all approaches seem desirable. This drives the client to the wish of find an in-between solution combining the ideas.
"The one who chases two rabbits, catches none."
- Confucius
I avoid this all too often experienced dilemma as possible and fight this battle in advance with myself. In case my approach does not hit the nail on the head, I still have enough gunpowder in my backhand to settle an alternative strategy in cooperation.