It occures quite often, that I end up alone, in the dark on deserted train stations. The mood of theses melancholic desperate places fascinates me. They feel even colder when there's nobody around you. This evening it was the corporate Christmas celebration of xq-web, grafikbraun and Esperanto. This year it was the second time that participated in this ceremony. We went to a place called "Bliasmeister". Grafikbraun designed the Corporate Identity for this restaurant. You did a great job mäx! It was a great evening and way too short. Especially cause of the common fact that kerynn needs to leave for her train... I left so fast from this place in the middle of the pampas, for my last train, that I totally forgot to pay for my meal! This never happened to me before to me!! Thank you people for covering for me – I am still a bit embarrassed!