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– E N V I R ° N M EN T A L
A W A R E N E S S –
Die Limited Edition von Fuensanta kommt in einem cleanen, klaren Design daher. Sehr minimalistisch, pur und natürlich. Hochwertig besiebtruckt in harmonisch abgestimmten Grüntönen.
Die Argumente bezüglich Gesundheit, Klima, Umwelt, globalen Welthunger, Ethik, [...] haben mich die letzten Monate dermaßen deutlich dahingehend gedrängt, ein ehrliches Bewusstsein für den Umgang mit 'Produkten' tierischen Ursprungs zu entwickeln.
The quote by Paul Ketz says, that who thinks themselves not being capable of changing the world, underestimates thereselves.
There are many reasons for eating less meat. This is a huge topic and not easy to summarize in one or two sentences. For me it is not a black or white thinking thing – there are many shades in between.
It is not true, that packaging requires so much plastic! Actually, not at all!
Cardboard boxes are already recycled goods; Paper tape – even filament-reinforced – permanently sticks even the very heavy furniture packets, and if ...
When it comes to gift wrapping, I always get kinda creative and lost in time. Especially the small ones. Finding the right cord, combine different papers, stickers, confetti, stamps, sweets, whatever is in my radius can find its position on a present.
... And I can not go, cause of so many superimportant projects – at least I am able to bring the jungle feeling to my table!
Sooo glad I found this great handmade straws with the tiny strainer on one end. Now I can watch my herbs unfold in hot water. Much more beautiful than using tea-bags!
Some weeks ago, I was searching for new hair products, because my beloved ones won't be produced anymore. People who know me, can confirm, that my choice is always about the design and appearance, and when I fall for something, I stick to it for a very long time or forever.
– D E S I G N –
A giant thank-you to all great people who have shared another year of life and work with me. To all those who always take the time to show me…
This great MacBook Pro Case by Capra Leather is made out of one piece. Every creation is authentic and unique.
This is my very favorite perfume. It is from the Brooklyn Soap Co. – NY. Actually, it's a men's perfume, but who cares! I love the design, the print and especially the fragrance.
Banana Yoshimoto Kitchen 1988 – The story about a girl who loses her grandmother. The only thing that can make her fall asleep is the loud vibrating fridge in the empty kitchen she used to cook with her beloved grandmother.
Some minutes ago this beautiful photo reached me from LiFES. – live from a paradise beach in Sri Lanka! Thank you guys for the great pikscha! And enjoy every minute of your time!
This is my brand-new tobacco-pouch, designed and handcrafted by Mikael Pefetti – Italy. Since I have some experience with tobacco-pouches, I can tell that there are very big differences in their composition.
The next wedding designs will contain the special hypericum berries. For the first Illustrations I got some branches from the market as a template.
Got a nu mug today from the potters market in a monastery. Fits perfectly to the porcelain flask by bridge and burn U.S.A.
Because of my grandmothers linoleum covered kitchen floor I bought this printed box of stroopwafels from Netherland. It has the exact same illustrations on it, like the patterned old floor.
Hang-Tags are often a topic. Even if they're not very big, they deserve the same attention as any other layouts. You can see if someone put some thoughts into their production.
Look babelina! Finally, I've made it! It took me more than three months to realize my plan of tinkering a mobile of these pretty Origami objects, you crafted for me.
The temporary exhibition is called FROM THE SIDEWALK TO THE CATWALK, located in Kunsthalle Munich.
I was wondering what is inside of this beautiful green package. It is a crispy sweet toast by the Italian manufacturer Antonio Mattei.
Thank you guys, so much for this handmade chocolate! You created a very great Mailing – so personal – so delicious!
Die Kalkulationsbeispiele des Vergütungstarifvertrag für Designleistung (VTV Design) orientieren sich an den wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen sowohl für Designer als auch deren Auftraggeber.
– H O M E , F O ° D
& L
Der Goji-Strauch wächst in den Bergen des Himalaya, Tibet. Seit Jahrhunderten werden diese Beeren wegen ihres Geschmacks geschätzt.
At our favourite spot on the river nearby there are many wild blackberry bushes. This weekend we had a sunny day and we decided to spend some lazy time enjoying the summer, talking...
This delicious green smoothie is high in iron, very nutritious and helps improving the digestion. This is what you need for 300ml ...
Fennel is one of the vegetables I never really had on the screen. Maybe it was not processed very well, so it tasted strange to me, or my taste nerves simply changed.
Such an easy way to pimp your fresh cream: just add some basil, a touch of garlic, salt and pepper and there you go! So appetizing and even greater with special breads.
My new favorite bread right now. It's Italian and something between whole grain bread and croissants. Super delicious! Got it the second time today from the great Kolonial Store nearby in Augsburgs historic district.
It is kinda funny what happens to me, when there is no burning deadline, the man is out of the house and I'm calm: Out of the blue, between dishwashing and other houseworks, I start baking a pie!
Dori called me to get some of her famous meatballs. Even if we do not eat very often meat – when she cooks them, we can't say no. Today boyfriend was having some fun at the frozen lake with the dog we are sitting this weekend.
In some manner I imagined to buy instead of margarine a coconut butter-Chia-seeds-thing. And yes, I tried it with some salami and bread!!! ... no comment.
This is my favorite Apple-Pie! My whole life I wasn't that much into cake. Somehow it's always the wrong time for cake. After eating I am always so full, that there is no space for dessert, or I am hungry, and then I want something salty.
Kale flowers are special, because you can only get them in a short time of the year and though they have an opulent flower, they do not look tacky at all.
These tiny little bastards, grow as hell, but always in the wrong directions. It's like someone told them to be hanging plants.
Very simple and super delicious green smoothie: a handful spinach, some pieces of a pineapple, half of an orange, 5 – 8 leaves of fresh mint and for the sweetness some half-dry dates.
My plan was to use these blueberries for my cereals. But then friends came along... nom, nom nom...
Can't deny that Helena Bonham Carter provoked a little my appetite on pies in "Sweeney Todd – the demon barber".
I looove the bio-yogurt with Tonka-beans from basic. This is my last little yogurt amount, I could scrape out of the glass.
Sometimes, when the weather is stormy and I sit on my work, look to the left, and there is my cup, the tea pot, milk, a little sugar, I think of the movie "Chocolat"...
This is the oldest member of our house. He lives on the second floor and has his atelier downstairs. Not only that he creates special furniture in funky colors, he also makes interesting statues out of uncommon materials.
This is one of my favorite meals! It's a thing from my childhood. I never really had it on the screen the last 15-20 years. Some months ago I spotted this onion lard.
– A D V E N T U R 3 –
It's been a long time, since I was the last time in the Botanical Garden in Augsburg. Not a very big one, though, but worth the trip. It's a pity that young people not really feel attracted on spending time there.
Where do they keep all this beautiful engines? Every once in a while I may acquire a glimpse of them and they disappear again for a very long time. Sorry – not sorry, but there are sooo many beautiful things, which were kept hidden!
At the train station in good old Augsburg there still are some beautiful corners, which haven't been modernized yet. I am wondering how fast the renovations from the front side will move on to this area.
I can't really tell what there is about construction areas that attract me. I kinda see something beautiful in them. When I was a little kid I used to run away.
Sometimes I walk into inner yards to look for precious views. Many old houses look quite unappealing, but if you take a look on their backsides, they reveal themselves as little paradises.
This special visitor appeared in my eye's angle. When I looked upward, he struggled to try flying out of my window. As exhausted as he was, it was easy to get him on my hand outside in our front yard.
This was just a little joke between my friend, sestra in crime and working partner Yvonne. And remember Yv, Yv.On is always be'a than Yv.Off ;)
It occures quite often, that I end up alone, in the dark on deserted train stations. The mood of theses melancholic desperate places fascinates me. They feel even colder when there's nobody around you.
I must admit, I love my coffee to go! My job as a self-employed graphic-designer requires to be often on the road, have meetings or getting work material. A warm coffee is always a beloved companion.